Dilip is a Principal with Moffatt & Nichol in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he has been practicing Coastal Engineering for about 30 years. His area of expertise is engineering analyses and design for flood mitigation and sea level rise adaptation projects; redevelopment of urban waterfronts; sediment management; and wetlands restoration. He is an early design innovator in addressing sea level rise and is leading the sea level rise and public use planning for many of the large urban waterfront redevelopment projects in the San Francisco Bay region. He has also played a significant role on adaptation planning for large infrastructure projects such as Ferry Terminals and the SFO Airport, restoration projects such as the South Bay Salt Ponds, and recreational/open space projects such as Crissy Field and China Basin Park. He is on the Board of Directors of the Bay Planning Coalition and chairs the Sustainable Waterfronts Committee; he was also a key participant on the Resiliency Committee for the Port of San Francisco’s Waterfront Land Use Plan Update. He obtained his Graduate degrees (Dr.Eng) from Texas A&M University, and Undergraduate degree from Bangalore University.