Adam Parris

Senior Consultant, ICF

Adam Parris

Adam Parris helps people build equitable and just solutions to adapt to climate and societal change. Previously, he served as the Deputy Director of Climate Science and Services at the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice in New York City, where he worked to integrate climate information into all aspects of city decision-making. Prior to that, he led the Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay. While at SRIJB, Adam co-designed Cycles of Resilience, a participatory process to empower communities to develop climate action plans developed with community leaders, civic non-profits, and scientists and developed an urban extension program with Sea Grant including community flood monitoring. Adam has advised Federal agencies and numerous states, including California, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey, for which he has been awarded a Presidential award as Climate Champion and a NOAA Administrator’s Award. Mr. Parris also directed NOAA’s Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program, a network of 10 regional centers that help expand the nation’s capacity to prepare for and adapt to climate. Prior to his time at NOAA, he worked at the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission on policies to address climate change in the San Francisco Bay. Adam spent the first several years of his career working for ESA-PWA as a hydrologist and geomorphologist working on ecosystem restoration. He has co-edited two books with over 50 scientists across the US and published numerous peer-review papers, technical reports, and nonfiction articles. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and Environmental Geology from Bucknell University and a Master of Science in Geology from the University of Vermont. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and two kids who are a constant source of inspiration, humility, and good humor.

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