This webinar was the second in a series of three featuring experiences around the world in implementing “adaptation pathways,” a much-discussed approach to planning under uncertainty. It was intended for practitioners, planners, and decision makers.
This second webinar dives deeper in the DAPP playbook to discuss a core feature of the DAPP methodology: the development of “thresholds,” or “tipping points.” Thresholds are a term of art in DAPP that show at what point along a pathway a location is no longer resilient due to changing conditions. It helps identify when a particular set of actions must be replaced or supplemented by additional actions for a community to remain resilient (and change “pathways”). Our speakers shared their experience using adaptation pathways and zeroed in on how they went about identifying and defining resilience thresholds in this work.
South Florida Water Management District: Akintunde Owosina, P.E. Akin is the chief of the Hydrology and Hydraulics Bureau at the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). He is a civil and environmental engineer by training with over 30 years of experience in water resources and numerical modeling. He oversees a program with over 80 engineers and scientists responsible for data acquisition and quality control, numerical modeling, hydraulics and hydrology analyses in support of the District’s mission.
City of Santa Cruz, California: Dr. Tiffany Wise-West. Tiffany is the Sustainability and Climate Action Manager at the City of Santa Cruz, California. She is a licensed professional civil engineer with over 25 years of experience in municipal environmental planning, programming, policy and infrastructure development and implementation. Drawing on her interest in innovation and education, she specializes in collaborating across public, private and academic sectors to deliver impactful and award-winning emissions mitigation and climate adaptation initiatives.
Waikato Regional Council, New Zealand: Rick Liefting. Rick is a coastal scientist and the Regional Resilience Team Lead at Waikato Regional Council (WRC), North Island, New Zealand. The WRC covers some 25,000 km2 (~9,700 Square miles) with over 100 lakes, 1,150 km (715 miles) of coastline and manages 620km (385 miles) of stopbanks (levees) protecting some 3,000 km2 (1,158 square miles) of land. The Regional Resilience team provides knowledge on current and future natural hazards and risk, provides technical support in managing flood protection and land drainage schemes as well as emergency management and responding to natural hazard events. It also leads community empowerment activities in support of long-term planning.